Pyarom dates are among the highest quality and most expensive dates for export in Iran, which are also known as chocolate or Marimi dates. The price difference between this product and other cultivars is due to the low area under cultivation of Pyarom dates in Iran. Peyarom harvest season is from September to November. Characteristics of Pyarom dates include thin and wrinkled skin, low moisture and dark brown skin.Pyarom dates are considered as semi-dry dates produced in Iran and have a high shelf life.
The other characterstics of Pyarom dates such as unique taste,beautiful appearance and high durability have attracted the attention of global markets. At present, Tivan Production-Trading company has selected the best and highest quality of Pyarom dates from the groves of Hajiabad city in Hormozgan province, which has the largest area under cultivation of Pyarom dates in Iran, after packing according to the order of customers,the products are exported to the Middle East, Europe and East of Asia countries under the brand of Tivan .